Bengaluru bulls continued their journey with the third victory against Tamil Thalaivas in the Vivo pro kabaddi season 9. At Shree Kanteerava Indoor Stadium, Bengaluru the bulls defeated the thalaivas with a total score of 45-28 to rise to third place on the points table. Neeraj Narwal scored 5 points, Bharat scored 12 points, and Vikash Kandola scored 7 points these were the pick of the raiders for the bulls who broke a two-match losing streak.
Both teams try hard and traded points to win the match, much like the evening first match, both defences were lax in their application, easing raiders to increase their score and lead in the game. It didn’t take long, approx. halfway through the first period for the bulls to take the mountable lead, Bharat on only his second raid took out M Abhishek and V Visvanath with two points to induce the first ALL OUT of the game and give the bulls an 11-5 lead.
Tamil Thalaivas try hard, again and again, to come back in the game and slowly chipped away at that considerable lead as the half wore on, mostly getting bonus points of their own. But when the condition was like the thalaivas were coming back in the game, the bulls seized control again. Neeraj Narwal performed outstandingly at both ends of the mat ensuring the home team into the break leading 18-12.
In the second half of the match, the bulls continued their dominance on Tamil Thalaivas, Bharat used his speed and reach to score points constantly for his team. At that moment Ashish went for the super tackle, taking out Kondala to prolong his team’s capitulation. Bharat contributed to the team for the lead with another ALL OUT taking out two points from the Thalaivas as the bulls extended their lead to 27-18.